Saturday, September 26, 2009


FRAMED 8" x 10" prints of ANY of my original paintings!

Makes a GREAT present or even just decorate your room, living room, house, etc, without having to spend much at all!

I am willing to negotiate prices! I figured this was a fair medium where I help you out and you help me out, I just want everyone to be able to have an affordable copy of my work!


1 for $20 $12

2 for $30 $20

3 for $40 $28

4 for $45 $35

and for any other amount, message me and we can work something out.. .the more you buy, the cheaper each costs!

The originals are still on sale! The prices are listed under the paintings and I'm willing to negotiate prices!

Don't hesitate to name your price because I most likely will consider it!

Have a nice day and check out my stuff hanging at GORILLA RADIO SMOKE SHOP!

or you can check them online at:



Friday, September 18, 2009

September 17, 2009

Today I tattooed an old high school friend, Lyndsey. She brought her beautiful daughter, Jaydyn, whom she was pregnant with when we graduated... Time flies! Little girl is sooo talkative! I tatted the RENT song, "La Vie Boheme" on her lower back, which made that my first "tramp stamp" (haha sorry Lynds). I was a bit more comfortable tattooing, other than the fact that the stencil streeeettttccched when she leaned forward.




Monday, September 14, 2009

Reasons behind keeping this blog...

I wanted to properly document my apprenticeship through photos along with paintings and art work I'm getting done during the process. Since I hadn't thought about this earlier, I decided to update with previous dates and photos so I can chronologically keep track and see my progression as an artist and tattoo artist and study this trade a bit more seriously. :]

I'm watching a re-run of the VMAs so I'm very distracted and at a loss for words at the moment hahaha. So distracted... Fuck Jay-Z, Beyonce is a classy ass betch, and Taylor Swift is hella cute (even though her music is ehhh). <3

September 11, 2009

My first big piece at the shop... eh :/

I don't know what's up with this thumbs-up thing I've been doing lately...

September 10, 2009

I got to tattoo my brothafromanothamotha's otha sista... I finally feel a bit more confident about script and was able to tackle it without hesitating as much as I normally do :/

August 26, 2009

Today I got to tattoo my friend Krystal's, whom I convinced that I let her tattoo an homage to her mother on her arm... here's a portrait painting that I did of her mom, Miriam (Rest In Peace) back in May for her service followed by the tatt itself :]

Rest In Peace, Miriam Elizabeth Sanchez...

August 24, 2009

I got to tattoo my brothafromanothamotha... had to brand him with his alias haha. <3

I need to work on my K's... :/

August 22, 2009

I got to do a tattoo on my middle school buddy, Leslie. I took her skin virginity! I feel so honored hahaha... Her friend Sarah went a BIT crazy with the camera ;].

August 20, 2009

I tattooed Jana today. I'm beginning to slowly see the fundamentals of doing script tattoos... Line work is a bitch.

She got her brother's name... how sweeet.

August 18, 2009

I got to do my first tattoo under this apprenticeship on Shelco... I've NEVER done script before so I was pretty nervous about the outcome since I'm really stubborn and never really wanted to or gave a damn about script. But I gave it a go and it didn't turn out TOO bad...