Friday, September 18, 2009

September 17, 2009

Today I tattooed an old high school friend, Lyndsey. She brought her beautiful daughter, Jaydyn, whom she was pregnant with when we graduated... Time flies! Little girl is sooo talkative! I tatted the RENT song, "La Vie Boheme" on her lower back, which made that my first "tramp stamp" (haha sorry Lynds). I was a bit more comfortable tattooing, other than the fact that the stencil streeeettttccched when she leaned forward.





  1. Bad ass yo I didn't know you had one of these and I was going to suggest it to you because it helps to have a place specifically for staying connected to artists. at least for me it inspires me and shit then im one click away from checking out my friends about to put you under my peers on mine. but yeah you should take pics of all the tattoos you do then youll be tripping in 20 years.

  2. P.S. I hella miss you! hah i said hella but for reals...:/
